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Sunday, September 22, 2013

"A Phone Worth Holding Onto" (Assigned School Work)

In a day when mass consumption has led to an enormous amount of mass waste, it seems as if electronics compile more and more of the market share with each passing year. Technology giants Apple and Samsung are certainly not helping this matter by introducing new cell phone models every year. Typical reasons why many consumers eat up every new phone from these companies include ideas that each new model is better, sleeker, and more user-friendly than the last. Then there are also those people who love the exclusivity of being a part of a particular segmented group. More simply, it’s a status symbol. To have an Apple iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy is not enough to remain in this group. Disturbingly, having one of these phones doesn’t mean a thing to these people unless they own the newest model, even if their last phone still functions normally

The newest models of these brands of phones are the iPhone 5s and the Samsung Galaxy S4. Regardless of different determining pricing factors of internal memory (16/32/64 GB), these phones are expensive. They cost even more if they’re not purchased through a typical 2-year contract with a cell phone service provider. Without a signed service contract, a 16 GB iPhone 5s cost $649 and a comparable 16 GB Galaxy S4 cost $639.99. I view this as far too much money to spend on a cell phone, especially in such a disposable group driven by status. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that all owners of these phones follow these same naïve purchasing habits for the same naïve reasons, but there are millions of people who do. 

On the bright side, I’ve recently stumbled upon something very interesting. A company named Phonebloks has introduced an exceptional idea for a cell phone. No longer will someone have to replace their entire phone when one component breaks. Instead, using a Lego-like system, each piece of the phone is detachable and replaceable. The man behind the operation, Dave Hakkens, uploaded his promotional video for the product on Reddit back on September 10th. Since then, the viral world has eaten it up. According to their campaign on crowd sourcing site, the product has already surpassed its initial goal of 750,000 supporters by 21,000 with over one month left of the campaign. They reached over 50,000 supporters within the first 24 hours of being viral. The social reach of this campaign has already hit over 296,000,000 people. 

Even with numbers like these, there are people who are already explaining how the idea and design wouldn’t work including the idea that rival companies would make their own “knock off” replacement parts for the product. Some points are valid, but that's to be expected in the early stages of a company and its product(s). I feel that Hakkens really has something here. I suggest you watch the video for yourself.  

Thank you for your time and support,  

Sunday, September 8, 2013

What is Opportunity Cost? (Assigned School Work)

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the term opportunity cost (in Economic terms) relates to the, "Opportunities forgone in the choice of one expenditure over others."

To provide an example, let's say Jim is a full-time student at the University of Minnesota and has received a school loan refund in the amount of $1,500. Jim would currently like to purchase new tires for his car in order to prepare for the upcoming winter season, as well as a new snowplow for his driveway and sidewalk. Jim also happens to owe his parents $1,500 for rent assistance during these last few months. Aside from attending school, Jim also interns at a local radio station during the week and delivers pizzas on the weekends. 

If Jim decides to purchase new tires for his car, then the opportunity cost of this purchase would be the snowplow and the repayment of this loan from his parents. 

If Jim decides to purchase the snowplow, the opportunity cost would be the new car tires and the loan from his parents. 

If Jim decides to repay his parents, the opportunity cost would be the car tires and the snowplow. 

Jim did what he felt was best and repaid his parents. After all, if one loan was handled successfully, then maybe Jim could ask his parents for a loan for car tires or a snowplow in the near future. 

An opportunity cost isn't always a physical item. Let's say Jim decides to attend a college football game with friends instead of staying home to complete and submit his homework on time.

The opportunity cost of attending the football game is the completion and submission of his homework in a timely manner.


To my subscribers,

I realize that this post may not fit the bill of what my blog is necessarily about. This is however, a graded assignment so please have patience until I'm able to upload my next interview. 

Thank you for your time and patience, 


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Recording Academy (Assigned School Work)

Located in Santa Monica, CA, The Recording Academy is an organization that supports music industry professionals by promoting and honoring the achievements of excellence in the industry of recording arts and sciences. It should also be noted that The Recording Academy is also known as the National Association of Recording Arts & Sciences, or NARAS.

Founded in 1957, many believe the organization to be a product of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce in their Hollywood Walk of Fame pursuit by establishing four committees to assist with the selection process of the sidewalk honorees. It is said that the Walk of Fame induction requirements for recording artists (of that time) meant that an individual must have sold at least 1,000,000 records or 250,000 albums. Members of the audio recording selection committee realized that many of the talented individuals from their own industry would be overlooked from consideration due to this stipulation. The members of the committee felt they needed to create a separate award system for their industry of the entertainment world. This is believed to be the reason why the organization was formed. In 1959, The Recording Company introduced the GRAMMY Awards.

About 30 years later, NARAS introduced a foundation called, MusiCares, as a place where struggling artists suffering from personal, financial, or medical crisis could turn to in time of need. Some of the foundation's programs include emergency financial assistance, addiction recovery, outreach and leadership programs, and assisted living. MusiCares has locations in Nashville, Los Angeles, and New York City.

In 1997, NARAS decided to branch outward by creating the Latin Association of Recording Arts & Sciences. Headquartered in Miami, the LARAS represents multinational and multicultural Spanish and Portuguese-speaking music industry professionals from around the world.

Recently, NARAS has created the GRAMMY University Network, or GRAMMY U, as an organization to help college students who plan to work in the recording industry. I was made a member of GRAMMY U when I was first enrolled at Madison Media Institute in Madison, WI back in 2009. I even received an official invite to attend the 2010 GRAMMY Awards in the mail near December of '09. I respectfully declined as I had imagined that I would be a member the following year as well. Unfortunately, Madison Media Institute rescinded its partnership and agreement by severing our membership within the first 5 months. I plan to reenlist with the Chicago chapter on my own time very soon.

Lastly, NARAS developed a website called that would serve as its own blend of social media, featuring member forums, audio and video content, and job opportunities that are made exclusively for its member base of over 20,000 strong. I no longer have access to this website, as I am no longer a member of GRAMMY U, but I remember interacting with a large number of students like me, through friendship requests and forums. I wonder if my profile still exists... 

In summation, The Recording Academy, also known as NARAS, has played an extremely positive role in the recording industry for over 50 years. They support their own and honor the achievements of their own. 

Thank you for your time,